Rosehill Residences
Yangon, Myanmar
Under Construction
40,000 sq. m. (176 units)
Natta Sawetwanachoti, Ermanno Cirillo, Nang Yadanar Thant, Teng Joyjee, Maribeth Cabales, Pitchaya Manahod
Rose Hill Co., Ltd
Rosehill Residences is a 26-story luxury condominium located in the heart of Yangon, along the bustling Kabar Aye Pagoda Road. The project was nominated for the "Best Residential Architectural Design" award at the Myanmar Property Awards in 2016. With 176 units of various sizes and types, including some 3-story sky villas on the rooftop, it is one of the most prominent private residential buildings in the thriving economic capital of Myanmar.
The design successfully adapts to a challenging site with steep topography, and a complex building plan resolves an irregular plot shape. The unit layouts are tailored to the lifestyle and needs of the growing local upper-middle class, providing generous and intriguing spatial configurations. The building is also oriented towards the magnificent Shwedagon Pagoda, offering residents impressive views of the iconic landmark.